Image the SD cards
- Donwload the Raspbian OS
- Insert an SD card into your card reader.
- Create a master image. On OS X you can use the following:
- Connect keyboard, mouse, display
- if you need gui (e.g., gtk for matplotlib output) run
- On the master node, install the necessary software. Here is our final image.
- Next, you want to copy this image to the other SD cards
- Then, for every sd card (i.e., each node in the cluster)
Create the Hardware Connections
Wire the Network
- static IP created in setup
- 10/100 Ethernet (so not the fastest)
- Put on simple network switch (no internet, no dhcp)
Power the Devices
- We used USB power hubs
- According to docs, each pi needs around 500-1000 mA, 5V